RegionX Docs

RegionX is a project aimed at making Web3 more accessible. We are achieving this by making deployment on Polkadot cheaper and easier, encouraging more development. We believe Polkadot is, and is headed in the direction of becoming, a highly scalable and decentralized system that can host many projects deployed.

"Deploying" on Polkadot means gaining access to its shared security. We highly recommend watching this video if you are not already familiar with Polkadot: What is Shared Security? Shawn Tabrizi

Originally, on Polkadot, the community was involved in deciding which projects would be deployed on the network. This previous Slot Auction model was not nearly as flexible as Agile Coretime, but it had the valuable aspect of community involvement through crowdloans. We recommend reading more about this here: Parachain Slot Auctions

With RegionX, we are making access to Polkadot's resources very flexible (allowing projects to pay only for what they need) thanks to Agile Coretime, while also reintroducing the community element into the Coretime procurement process.

Overview of the Documentation

The documentation of this wiki is structured into three categories.

  • Basics - Covers all the fundamental concepts of Coretime, as well as highlights the distinctions between the primary bulk market and the secondary Coretime marketplace we are building. In the basic sections, we also cover all the ways projects can acquire Coretime for themselves.

  • Advanced - Goes into the technical details to understand how the RegionX Coretime market is structured and designed. This section will also provide the reader with an adequate understanding of how the Coretime pricing model works.

  • Build - Offers documentation for teams looking to integrate with the RegionX Coretime marketplace.

Last updated