Coretime Order Processing ⚙️

As explained in the 'Secondary Marketplace Overview' section, RegionX offers the possibility to procure Coretime through what we call 'Coretime Orders.' These orders indicate that someone is looking for a region with specific requirements. The amount offered by this order is determined by the number of tokens contributed to the order.

Coretime traders(likely bots, rather than actual humans) will keep track of the primary bulk market and secondary marketplaces to see if they can make a profit by contributing some of the regions offered to the order.

If yes, they will be able to buy that Coretime region and sell it to the order to receive all the contributions made to the order.

The region used to fulfill an order will be automatically assigned to the specific parachain via an XCM message.

To learn more about our decisions when developing the order processor module, read the following document:

Last updated